Carpet stains come in all shapes and sizes, but some kinds of stains are more common than others. If you’ve ever walked into ANY house with a carpet or rug that needed cleaning you would no doubt have seen many stains all over. We are always trying to educate our customer so, without further delay here’s a look at the three most common carpet stains.
Soft Drinks
Drinks are the most common and vicious enemy of the average household carpet. Whether it’s a child who knocks her Kool-Aid off the coffee table into the floor, the can of soda that got shaken before you opened it and sprayed everywhere, or even the cup of coffee that slipped out of your fingers as you were picking it up off the coffee table, drinks have an uncanny ability to end up on your carpet. Once there, they can cause some extremely persistent stains.
As with drinks, so also with food. While food spills can often be dealt with by simply vacuuming, some are a bit more persistent. Foods like pizza or spaghetti can easily leave greasy red stains that are extremely difficult to clean, especially if left too long. The same is true of all sorts of foods – chocolate, cake icing, or any other food that isn’t solid can produce stubborn stains.
Pet Stains
If you’ve ever had pets, you know that their delightful companionship sometimes comes at a price. The simple fact of the matter is that pets make messes. If your pet produces a certain bodily fluid, the odds are good that it will end up on your carpet at some point. Like that time you left your dog in the house just a little too long and he left you a present on the living room rug. Or that time the cat ate something she shouldn’t have, and you saw it again the next morning. Pet messes are an extremely common form of carpet stain, and can be among the most difficult to clean up, and the worst-smelling if left alone too long.
No matter the stain or problem – at Carpet Cleaning Sydney we can help. So give us a call or email today to find out how we can have your carpet looking like new.